"Viktor Chapovalov, born in 1955, received his artistic training for five years at the College of Art and Design in St. Petersburg from 1976 to 1981.
- College gave me a firm foundation in most techniques and artistic expression - drawing, painting, composition, art history, sculpture and more, he says.
Chapovalov chose industrial design as a specialization. He worked in this field as well as with graphic design after graduation. In the mid-80s, he applied to the group of independent artists, an artist groups who wanted to work freely and not follow government guidelines.
He now developed his surrealist and abstract paintings. Inspiring people were the constructivists of the 20s, such as Kandinsky, Malevich and El Lissitzky.
In 1990, Chapovalov was invited by a collector in Stockholm to work. The new political winds in Russia meant that he decided to move to Sweden. He now lives at the Swedish west coast since, 1991.
In Sweden, he has since developed his special minimalist style that he has exposed at several exhibitions. After 2000, the computer has increasingly become an important tool. He often creates a sketch on paper which he then scans and further elaborates on the computer with various effects. As a result after this process, the finished sketch will become an art work on canvas."